Tuesday, August 28, 2012

今日のフランス語は お誕生日おめでとうございます (Joyeux Anniversaire) S2E01

Joyeux anniversaire:  ジョワイユ・アニヴェルセル
Bon anniversaire: ボナニヴェルセル
Bonnes fêtes ボン・フェット (カナダ)

--------- Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french word is "Joyeux Anniversaire" or "Bon Anniversaire" or "Bonne Fete" (in Canada) Which means "Happy Birthday"
Pratice pronunciation before wishing happy birthday to your francophone friends.
Bon anniversaire is more used for friends or acquaintance.
Joyeux anniversaire is warmer, more used for family and loved ones.
The third one, "Bonne fete" is used in Quebec. 
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