Tuesday, December 25, 2012

今日のフランス語は 美味しそう(ça a l'air bon) S2E7


今日のフランス語の言葉は: 美味しそう(ça a l'air bon) (サァリャボン)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

今日のフランス語はレストラン(Restaurant) S2E6



Tuesday, October 30, 2012

フランス語で自己紹介します!(Enchanté!) S2E05

Salut, je m’appelle Micka, enchanté de te rencontrer.
サリュー、ジュマペル (自分の名前) 、アンシャンテ・ドゥ・トゥ・ランコントレ
Bonjour, je m’appelle Micka, je suis enchanté de vous rencontrer.
ボンジュール、ジュマペル (自分の名前)、ジュ・スイ・アンシャンテ・ドゥ・ヴー・ ランコントレ
Bonjour, je m’appelle Micka, enchanté
ボンジュール、ジュマペル (自分の名前)、アンシャンテ。

Presenting 3 ways to introduce yourself in french.
The first exemple is casual:
 Salut, je m’appelle Micka, enchanté de te rencontrer.

The second method is formal:
 Bonjour, je m’appelle Micka + (Family name), je suis enchanté de vous rencontrer.

The third exemple is neutral and can be used in all situation, this is the best one to remember:
 Bonjour, je m’appelle Micka, enchanté.

Teaching practical french everydays. 
Enjoy learning.

Monday, October 15, 2012

今日のフランス語はマルシェ(Marché) S2E4


今日のフランス語の言葉は:マルシェ(Marché)  = 市場

Supermarché, Hypermarchéと、Bon marché の言葉説明します。
 Bon marchéの意味は "安い" や"安価な"や "格安"と "安価"。
Teaching a french word.
Today's french word is "Marché" (Town market) and explaining its roots to the modern words "Supermarché, Hypermarché and the expression "Bon marché" (affordable price)

Friday, September 14, 2012



今日のフランス語の言葉は: お疲れ様でした : Otsukaresama deshita

フランス語では; ”Merci bien (de vos efforts)” = メルシービヤン!  

おつかれさまでしたは、文字通りフランス語では: ”Vous devez être fatigué !”。
Otsukaresama deshita :Littéralement : ”Vous devez être fatigué !”。

Teaching a french word.
Today's french word is "Merci bien de vos efforts" which can be used as "Good work" after someone finished a task.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

今日のフランス語は バレエ (Ballet) S2E02

 今日のフランス語の言葉は: バレエ (Ballet)

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

今日のフランス語は お誕生日おめでとうございます (Joyeux Anniversaire) S2E01

Joyeux anniversaire:  ジョワイユ・アニヴェルセル
Bon anniversaire: ボナニヴェルセル
Bonnes fêtes ボン・フェット (カナダ)

--------- Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french word is "Joyeux Anniversaire" or "Bon Anniversaire" or "Bonne Fete" (in Canada) Which means "Happy Birthday"
Pratice pronunciation before wishing happy birthday to your francophone friends.
Bon anniversaire is more used for friends or acquaintance.
Joyeux anniversaire is warmer, more used for family and loved ones.
The third one, "Bonne fete" is used in Quebec. 

Friday, June 29, 2012

今日のフランス語は ツール・ド・フランス (Tour de France)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: ツール・ド・フランス (Tour de France)
意味はフランスの遠乗り (回る、巡り)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french word is "Tour de France" which means going around France. In the most used version, Tour de France refer to the bicycle race that go around France for 3 weeks and cover more than 3200kms. However, there are other type of races such as Classic cars, Yachting, they also happens during summer and are called Tour de France.

Friday, May 18, 2012

なぜフランス人いつもボーダージャージ着る? (Histoire de la Marinière)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: ボーダージャージ

This video introduce the reasons why the worldwide image of french people is that they always wear Boarder Jersey.

Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

フランス語の音声アルファベット (Interactive Phonetic chart for French Pronunciation)

(Alphabet Français Phonétique Interactif)

a = a antérieur (tache)
ɑ = a postérieur ou vélaire (tâche)
e = e fermé (blé)
ɛ = e ouvert (tête)
i = i (français) (lit)
o = o fermé (hôte)
ɔ = o ouvert (botte)
u = ou français (mou)
y = u français (lu)
ø = eu fermé (un peu mon neveu)
œ = eu ouvert (peur )
ə = e féminin central, non labialisé (le )
j = yod (lion)
ɥ = nuit
w = oui
p = poule
t = table
k = cou
b = bar
d = doux
g = goût
m = mou
n = nous
ɲ = n mouillé ou palatal (agneau)
f = fou
v = vous
s = poisson
z = rose
ʃ = chat
ʒ = jupe
l = loup
r = roi

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

今日のフランス語は オランジーナ (Orangina) Episode 154

今日のフランス語の言葉は:オランジーナ(Orangina) Orange + Naranjina (スペイン語)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Orangina" . ("Orangina", is the name of the most famous french soft drink. It was invented by a spanish chemist in 1935, Trigo Miralles, who coined the name Orangina, a Soda made with Oranges and Naranjina, small oranges in spanish)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Monday, March 26, 2012

今日のフランス語は シェフ (Chef) Episode 153

今日のフランス語の言葉は:シェフ (Chef) = リーダー
「chef de cuisine」= 厨房の「チーフ」または「リーダー」

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Chef" . ("Head of the kitchen", the Leader, similar meaning with Chief, please note that Chief is also an old french word coming from the same Latin word: Caput, meaning "head".Then it became Chie - Chief and now Chef)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, March 23, 2012

今日のフランス人は "アルチュール アッシュ" 歌手 (Arthur H) Episode 152

今日のフランス語の言葉は:アルチュール アッシュ" 歌手 (Arthur H)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Arthur H" (French pop music singer)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Monday, March 19, 2012

名古屋のパン屋 ブランジェリー ぱん くまくる (Boulangerie Pain-Kumacle)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:Boulangerie (ブランジェリー)
Boulangerie Pain-Kumacle
Tel: 052-893-9860
 地下鉄桜通線野並駅下車 徒歩一分

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Aïe!" . ("Ouch!")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

今日のフランス語は 痛い! (Aïe!) Episode 150

今日のフランス語の言葉は:痛い! (Aïe!)  ”アイ”

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Aïe!" . ("Ouch!")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

今日のフランス語は ジャン デュジャルダン (Jean Dujardin) Episode 149

今日のフランス語の言葉は:Jean Dujardin (ジャン・デュジャルダン) 19 Juin 1972. アーティスト』(原題:The Artist)
Michel Hazanavicius (Director) (ミシェル・アザナヴィシウス)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Jean Dujardin" . Dujardin is one of the most bankable french actor. He is the first to ever receive an Oscar from the Awards Ceremony.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

今日のフランス語は パフューム (Parfum) Episode 148

今日のフランス語の言葉は:パフューム (Perfume)
Parfumer = Perfumar = Per (によって) Fumare (煙) = Perfume = Parfum

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Perfume" ("Parfum" coming from Latin Per = through and Fumare = Smoke)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

今日のフランス語は 花粉症 (Allergie au pollen) Episode 147

今日のフランス語の言葉は:花粉アレルギー (Allergie au pollen)
"J'ai une allergie au pollen"

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "J'ai une allergie au pollen" ("I have a pollen allergy / Hay fever")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

今日のフランス語は ビーフステーキ (Biftèque) Episode 146

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ビーフステーキ や ビフテーキ (Biftèque)
B + i/ee/ea + F + (S) + T + e/è/ea + C/CK/K (Biftek, Bifsteck, Beefsteak, Bifsteak, etc... = Biftèque)
Beef + Steak

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Biftèque" (Which is the "oficial" to spell "Beefsteak in France since 1990)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 17, 2012

今日のフランス語は フレンチドレッシング作りましょう! (Recette Vinaigrette)

(Episode 145)
今日のフランス語の言葉は:(vinaigrette) = ワインビネガー + こしょう + 塩 + 油 

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Vinaigrette" Recipe (Recipe of the French Dressing sauce)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 10, 2012

今日のフランス語は パン ヴァロンタン (Pain Valentin) (Episode 144)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:パン ヴァロンタン (Pain Valentin)
ブーランジェリー "Le Plaisir du Pain" (ル・プレジール・デュ・パン)
名古屋市千種区東山通り4-17 黒川ビル1F
地下鉄東山線 東山公園駅(4番出口)より徒歩1分
地下鉄東山線 本山駅(2番出口)より徒歩8分

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Pain Valentin" ( An original bread from a french bakery in Nagoya / Japan)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Monday, February 6, 2012

今日のフランス語は バレンタインデー (Saint-Valentin) (Episode 143)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: バレンタインデー (Saint-Valentin)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Saint Valentine's Day" (La Saint-Valentin)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 3, 2012

今日のフランス語は フレンチドレッシング (vinaigrette)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: フレンチドレッシング (vinaigrette) = ワインビネガー + こしょう + 塩 + 油

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "vinaigrette" (French dressing - Vinaiger + Oil + Salt + Pepper)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

今日のフランス語は デッサン (Dessin) (Episode 141)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:デッサン (Dessin) 素描

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Dessin" (meaning: Drawing)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

今日のフランス語は ゴーフレット (Gaufrette)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ゴーフレット (Gaufrette) = 小さいゴーフル

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Gaufrette" Biscuit (litteraly means "small gaufre" or "small waffle", it is the biscuit version of the belgian waffle)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

今日のフランス語は サブレー クッキー (Sablé)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:サブレー クッキー (Sablé = 砂で覆われた)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Sablé" Biscuit (French version of the Shortbread cookie)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, January 27, 2012

今日の便利なフランス語は天気の話です (Le temps)

- iL Fait Froid イルフェフロワ (寒いですね!)
- iL Fait Beau イルフェボウ (いい天気だね!)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Il fait beau or Il fait froid " (Talking about the weather, this is the universal ice breaker: "What a nice day!" or "it is so cold today" will open a conversation anywhere in France)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

今日の便利なフランス語は 痛い (J'ai mal)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:J'ai mal à~、で、~が痛い.
- J'ai mal à la tête. ジェマララテーットゥ 「頭が痛いです。」
- J'ai mal au ventre. ジェマローヴァーントル 「お腹が痛いです。」
- J'ai mal aux dents. ジェマルオドン 「歯が痛い。」

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "J'ai mal" (I feel pain)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, January 20, 2012

今日のフランス語は デジャヴュ (Déjà vu)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:デジャヴュ、デジャヴ」は 既に見た (Déjà vu)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Déjà vu" ("already seen")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

今日のフランス語は ミュスカデ ワイン (Muscadet)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ミュスカデ (Muscadet)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Muscadet" (Dry white wine from Loire Valley - France - Near Nantes city)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

今日のフランス語は ダックワーズ (Dacquoise Biscuit)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ダックワーズ (語源はフランスの温泉保養地Dax(fr)に由来する) = Dacquoise

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Dacquoise" (It is a Meringue desert cake or also cookie from the city of Dax in south west France. Women living in Dax are called "Dacquoise")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Monday, January 16, 2012

今日のフランス語は ソース (Sauce)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: ソース (Sauce) (ラテン語で塩味のを意味する)
Sauce Mayonnaise

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Sauce" (Sauce)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

今日のフランス語は またね~! (À bientôt!)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ア ビヤントー (ではまた 近いうちに!) (まあ、また会えたら・・・) (またいつか!)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "À bientôt!" (See you soon !)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

今日のフランス語は ヴォワラ (Voilà)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ヴォワラ (Voilà) = ほらこれが~です / そこに /

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Voilà" (Here you are/ Look at it/ there it is)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

今日のフランス語は シャンソン (Chanson)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:シャンソン (chanson) = 歌 (うた)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Chanson" (Song)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

今日のフランス語 持っている動詞 (Verbe Avoir)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞

Règle du verbe avoir
Il existe deux auxiliaires en français : être et avoir. Avoir s'emploie en général pour la formation des temps composés sauf lorsque le verbe est passif où on utilise l'auxiliaire être : je suis mort. Avoir s'emploie lors de la conjugaison des verbes d'action. Pour les verbes d'état, on utilise plutôt l'auxiliaire être.

Définition du verbe avoir

1) Être en possession de quelque chose, posséder
2) se procurer, obtenir
3) Présenter comme caractéristique
4) (familier) tromper quelqu'un, duper, berner
Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Avoir" (To have)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.conjugaison du verbe avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Indicatif Présent

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Indicatif Présent

tu as
il a
elle a
on a
nous avons
vous avez
ils ont
elles ont

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Indicatif Présent" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Indicatif Imparfait

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Indicatif Imparfait

tu avais
il avait
elle avait
on avait
nous avions
vous aviez
ils avaient
elles avaient

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Indicatif Imparfait" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Passé Simple

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Passé Simple

tu eus
il eut
elle eut
on eu
nous eûmes
vous eûtes
ils eurent
elles eurent

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Passé Simple" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Passé antérieur

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Passé antérieur

j'eus eu
tu eus eu
il eut eu
elle eut eu
on eut eu
nous eûmes eu
vous eûtes eu
ils eurent eu
elles eurent eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Passé antérieur" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Passé composé

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Passé composé

j'ai eu
tu as eu
il a eu
elle a eu
on a eu
nous avons eu
vous avez eu
ils ont eu
elles ont eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Passé composé" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Plus-Que-Parfait

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Plus-Que-Parfait

j'avais eu
tu avais eu
il avait eu
elle avait eu
on avait eu
nous avions eu
vous aviez eu
ils avaient eu
elles avaient eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Plus-Que-Parfait" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Futur

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Futur

tu auras
il aura
elle aura
on aura
nous aurons
vous aurez
ils auront
elles auront

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Futur" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Futur Antérieur

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Futur antérieur

j'aurai eu
tu auras eu
il aura eu
elle aura eu
on aura eu
nous aurons eu
vous aurez eu
ils auront eu
elles auront eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Futur antérieur" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Subjonctif Présent

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Subjonctif Présent

que j'aie
que tu aies
qu'il ait
qu'elle ait
qu'on ait
que nous ayons
que vous ayez
qu'ils aient
qu'elles aient

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Subjonctif Présent" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Subjonctif Imparfait

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Subjonctif Imparfait

que j'eusse
que tu eusses
qu'il eût
qu'elle eût
qu'on eût
que nous eussions
que vous eussiez
qu'ils eussent
qu'elles eussent

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Subjonctif Imparfait" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Subjonctif Passé

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Subjonctif Passé

que j'aie eu
que tu aies eu
qu'il ait eu
qu'elle ait eu
qu'on ait eu
que nous ayons eu
que vous ayez eu
qu'ils aient eu
qu'elles aient eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Subjonctif Passé" grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Subjonctif Plus-Que-Parfait

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Subjonctif Plus-que-parfait

que j'eusse eu
que tu eusses eu
qu'il eût eu
qu'elle eût eu
qu'on eût eu
que nous eussions eu
que vous eussiez eu
qu'ils eussent eu
qu'elles eussent eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Subjonctif Plus-que-parfait grammar tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Conditionnel Présent

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Conditionnel Présent

tu aurais
il aurait
elle aurait
on aurait
nous aurions
vous auriez
ils auraient
elles auraient

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Conditionnel Présent.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Conditionnel Passé 1ère forme

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Conditionnel Passé 1ère forme

j'aurais eu
tu aurais eu
il aurait eu
elle aurait eu
on aurait eu
nous aurions eu
vous auriez eu
ils auraient eu
elles auraient eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french Verb is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Conditionnel Passe 1st Form Grammatical Tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.
Conjugaison du Verbe Avoir

今日のフランス語 Avoir 動詞の活用の発音 Conditionnel Passé 2ème Forme

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Avoir 動詞: Conditionnel Passé 2ème forme
j'eusse eu
tu eusses eu
il eût eu
elle eût eu
on eût eu
nous eussions eu
vous eussiez eu
ils eussent eu
elles eussent eu

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Avoir" (To have) conjugated with "Conditionnel Passe second Forme Grammatical Tense.
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.conjugaison du verbe avoir

Monday, January 2, 2012

今日のフランス語は 子供のやめなさい! (Pouce!)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: Pouce! プース!

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Pouce" (Stop it!)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!
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