Wednesday, February 29, 2012

今日のフランス語は パフューム (Parfum) Episode 148

今日のフランス語の言葉は:パフューム (Perfume)
Parfumer = Perfumar = Per (によって) Fumare (煙) = Perfume = Parfum

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Perfume" ("Parfum" coming from Latin Per = through and Fumare = Smoke)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

今日のフランス語は 花粉症 (Allergie au pollen) Episode 147

今日のフランス語の言葉は:花粉アレルギー (Allergie au pollen)
"J'ai une allergie au pollen"

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "J'ai une allergie au pollen" ("I have a pollen allergy / Hay fever")
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

今日のフランス語は ビーフステーキ (Biftèque) Episode 146

今日のフランス語の言葉は:ビーフステーキ や ビフテーキ (Biftèque)
B + i/ee/ea + F + (S) + T + e/è/ea + C/CK/K (Biftek, Bifsteck, Beefsteak, Bifsteak, etc... = Biftèque)
Beef + Steak

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Biftèque" (Which is the "oficial" to spell "Beefsteak in France since 1990)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 17, 2012

今日のフランス語は フレンチドレッシング作りましょう! (Recette Vinaigrette)

(Episode 145)
今日のフランス語の言葉は:(vinaigrette) = ワインビネガー + こしょう + 塩 + 油 

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Vinaigrette" Recipe (Recipe of the French Dressing sauce)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 10, 2012

今日のフランス語は パン ヴァロンタン (Pain Valentin) (Episode 144)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:パン ヴァロンタン (Pain Valentin)
ブーランジェリー "Le Plaisir du Pain" (ル・プレジール・デュ・パン)
名古屋市千種区東山通り4-17 黒川ビル1F
地下鉄東山線 東山公園駅(4番出口)より徒歩1分
地下鉄東山線 本山駅(2番出口)より徒歩8分

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Pain Valentin" ( An original bread from a french bakery in Nagoya / Japan)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Monday, February 6, 2012

今日のフランス語は バレンタインデー (Saint-Valentin) (Episode 143)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: バレンタインデー (Saint-Valentin)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Saint Valentine's Day" (La Saint-Valentin)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Friday, February 3, 2012

今日のフランス語は フレンチドレッシング (vinaigrette)

今日のフランス語の言葉は: フレンチドレッシング (vinaigrette) = ワインビネガー + こしょう + 塩 + 油

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "vinaigrette" (French dressing - Vinaiger + Oil + Salt + Pepper)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

今日のフランス語は デッサン (Dessin) (Episode 141)

今日のフランス語の言葉は:デッサン (Dessin) 素描

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Dessin" (meaning: Drawing)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!
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