Monday, April 30, 2012

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

フランス語の音声アルファベット (Interactive Phonetic chart for French Pronunciation)

(Alphabet Français Phonétique Interactif)

a = a antérieur (tache)
ɑ = a postérieur ou vélaire (tâche)
e = e fermé (blé)
ɛ = e ouvert (tête)
i = i (français) (lit)
o = o fermé (hôte)
ɔ = o ouvert (botte)
u = ou français (mou)
y = u français (lu)
ø = eu fermé (un peu mon neveu)
œ = eu ouvert (peur )
ə = e féminin central, non labialisé (le )
j = yod (lion)
ɥ = nuit
w = oui
p = poule
t = table
k = cou
b = bar
d = doux
g = goût
m = mou
n = nous
ɲ = n mouillé ou palatal (agneau)
f = fou
v = vous
s = poisson
z = rose
ʃ = chat
ʒ = jupe
l = loup
r = roi

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

今日のフランス語は オランジーナ (Orangina) Episode 154

今日のフランス語の言葉は:オランジーナ(Orangina) Orange + Naranjina (スペイン語)

Everyday teaching a french word.
Today's french is "Orangina" . ("Orangina", is the name of the most famous french soft drink. It was invented by a spanish chemist in 1935, Trigo Miralles, who coined the name Orangina, a Soda made with Oranges and Naranjina, small oranges in spanish)
You can practice your pronunciation before going to a french speaking country.

Au revoir!
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